Zhang, Rui-Qin


Professor of Physics, City University of Hong Kong (since 2010). EDUCATION: B.Sc. Physics, Shandong University (1983); Ph.D. Physical Chemistry, Shandong University (1992). HONORS & AWARDS: Third-class State Natural Science Award of China (1997); First-class Award of Scientific and Technological Development of China (1997); Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2004); Second-class State Natural Science Award of China (2005); Visiting Professorship, Universit¨¦ Pierre & Marie Curie©\Paris 6 (2014). RESEARCH: Computational physics, condensed matter physics, surface science, nanoscience and nanotechnology, materials chemistry, and materials physics, with recent focus on interactions of nanomaterials with chemical and biological systems aiming to promote the applications of nanostructured materials in energy-related, chemical, biological, medical, and environmental areas, as well as developments of related theories and methods.