
From: Computing Services Centre
With effect from 2 January 2018, various campus WiFi services will be consolidated and renamed to provide our users with a better, more streamlined experience.

  1. The “Virtual Desktop Service” WiFi will be removed. To use the Virtual Desktop Service (VDS), users should connect to the “CityU WLAN (WPA)” WiFi which provides broader and better connectivity to the VDS.
  2. The “alumni” WiFi will be renamed to “CityU Alumni”.
  3. The unsecured “CityUGuest” and “WaveLAN Network” WiFi will be obsolete. Users should connect to the “CityU WLAN (WPA)” or “eduroam” instead. For those who require open WiFi connection, please use the open “Wi-Fi.HK via CityU” service.

To switch to the recommended WiFi services on/after 2 January 2018, users can simply connect and log in to the respective WiFi name (SSID).

For further reference on the WiFi services, please visit:
CityU VDS, http://www.cityu.edu.hk/csc/deptweb/facilities/VDS.htm
CityU Alumni Wifi, http://www.cityu.edu.hk/aro/main/benefits/campus.htm#wifi

If you have any queries, please feel free to email to csc@cityu.edu.hk or call the CSC Help Desk at 3442 7658.

Computing Services Centre
15 December 2017