School of Creative Media







a documentary about the foreign marriage of my aunt and the relationship of my family

還沒有,花房 Not yet, flower house



It is a narrative story, a story about a mother and a daughter.

野犬與猫咪 The Little One

野犬與猫咪 The Little One




Student FYP presentation: A 9-minute docudrama of Ho Boy's attitude towards his family violence issues & hope for coming future.

All white/ All right

Student FYP presentation: All white/ All right is an installation realized through light shadow and white object.


Student FYP presentation: This is an installation discussing female body and questioning about the mainstream value upheld by the mass media.

Casuality 因果

Student FYP presentation: My project is an interactive installation expressing theidea of causality.

Dear breathe

Student FYP presentation: Dear breathe is an installation to memorize my breathe and give thanks to it by keeping my breathe into flowers I crafted.

Fascinating Phone

Student FYP presentation: It is a series of photo that expressing my feeling to this society & city through smart phones & games.

I am not playing Violin

Student FYP presentation: A Kinetic Sound Installation

Light Settlement(An Ikea Rainbow)

Student FYP presentation: Light Settlement(An Ikea Rainbow) is an installation that contemplates the relationship between the singularity of contemporary living and the standardized realities of globalization and consumerism.

Love at first sight

Student FYP presentation: It's an installation with a table on a unstable platform. It is something about promises, trust and faith.


Student FYP presentation: Art, no matter for whom should be available for all people who are willing to express themselves, neglecting all the limitations.


Student FYP presentation: A large scale installation work in motion. According the special features of Sham Shui Po, present Sham Shui Po as a playground and having fun in it.

Rying Awake

Student FYP presentation

Shadowy clock

Student FYP presentation: It is an installation about time, lights, and moving shadow.

She Did/ Not Tell

Student FYP presentation: Looking at the experiences shared among women of one familyfrom a psychoanalytic and documentary approach, I explore the relationship of mother & child and the inheritame from generations to generations by creating an experimental video.

Style Practice No.1 - a collection of work

Student FYP presentation: a group of artifacts that speak for the concepts.

The Burst of Pleasure

Student FYP presentation: 'The Burst of Pleasure' is an electronic installation that mainly composed of a big red balloon and a neddle attached on a plain cake in a white room. The balloon will explode by chance to create confetti fireworks. This work aims to transform pressure into pleasure. Audiences' anticipation of excitement and the tension caused by repetitive expansion and contraction bring out the contrast between anxiety and alleviation. The whole project is considered as art therapy, a purgative process.

The Dialogue Between God And Surveillance

Student FYP presentation: Interactive installation to explore the close relationship between the theology, urban surveillance, controllers of the closed-circuit television(CCTV) and the people who are being captured.

The Dialogues

Student FYP presentation: An installation with books as main objects.