Dr Henry He received Marine Ecology and Enhancement Fund (MEEF) to protect Chinese White Dolphin from e-waste pollution

Dr. Henry He, Assistant Professor, recently received over HK$1.1M funding from the Marine Ecology Enhancement Fund (MEEF). This 2-year project, titled “Tracing a Novel Group of E-Waste Contaminants - Liquid Crystal Monomers - in the Chinese White Dolphins” will determine the occurrences and distributions of a novel class of emerging organic contaminants related to e-waste, namely liquid crystal monomers (LCMs), in Chinese White Dolphins (CWDs) living in the western Hong Kong and Pearl River Estuary waters. This study will provide critical information for preliminary risk assessment on the potential threat of LCMs towards the CWDs, as well as for the recycling, disposal, and management of e-wastes in Hong Kong, contributing to the conservation and enhancement of marine lives.

Chinese White Dolphin

The Marine Ecology and Enhancement Fund (MEEF) and Fisheries Enhancement Fund (FEF), as part of the environmental impact assessment study on the Expansion of Hong Kong International Airport into a Three-Way System (3RS Project), have been set up for the purpose of enhancing the marine environment for the benefit of marine ecology (including Chinese White Dolphins (CWDs)) and fisheries resources in the vicinity of the project area, in Hong Kong western waters and further afield into the Pearl River Estuary (PRE).