SEE undergraduate students awarded the Merit Prize in "Challenge Cup" National Competition – Hong Kong Regional Final, Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2017

Miss Joey LUI Lai Ying, Miss Nicole TUNG Hiu Ching, Mr Ivan Wang Likang and Miss Ivy WONG Siu Mui, final-year-undergraduate students majoring in Energy Science and Engineering, won the Merit Prize under the discipline of “Energy and Chemical Engineering” in the “Challenge Cup” National Competition – Hong Kong Regional FinalHong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2017 (“the Competition”).  SEE undergraduate students have been awarded in this competition for three years consecutively.

IThe Competition, first in 2015, was organized by the Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association. This year, the foci of innovation and entrepreneurship were put together in one competition, aiming at providing students with opportunities to explore in academia and developing social enterprise by enhancing their innovative design and research skills as well as entrepreneurial skills to broaden their horizons.  For more information of the Competition, please visit

As a team of four, the students worked on the project “Smart Offshore Hybrid Platform for Renewable Energy Generation and Oceanic Application", designing an offshore stand-alone solar-wind-tidal hybrid generation system for oceanic applications including ocean cleaning technology and ocean robotics and studying the feasibility applied in Hong Kong. Students have applied their theoretical knowledge and engineering perspective in overcoming the hurdles, gaining innovative and research experience, and improving their communication and design skills.

Congratulations to Joey, Nicole, Ivan and Ivy!


