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SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Global Contest
After winning the championship in SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Global Contest, Mr. Zhu Yihao, Martin (PhD student), Mr. Lin Kaixin, Johnny (PhD student), Miss Shirley Du (PhD student) and Dr....

Gold Medal iCAN 2021
Dr. Edwin Tso and his research team (PhD students: Mr. Stanley Liu, Miss. Shirley Du, and Mr. Martin Zhu; Postdoc fellow: Dr. William Lee) recently participated in the 2021 International Invention...

CityU SEE New World Development Net Zero Carbon
CityU SEE and New World Development Company Limited (“NWD”) concluded a MOU to accelerate the common ambition to achieve Science Based Targets by 2030 and Net Zero Carbon by 2050, echoing the HKSAR...

Kataoka Lectureship Award Oceanian Photochemist 2021
Dr. Yun Hau Ng, Associate Professor, is recently awarded the Kataoka Lectureship Award for Asian and Oceanian Photochemist 2021, by the Japanese Photochemistry Association (JPA). This annual award is...

HKIE Best Transactions Paper Prize 2021
Congratulations to Prof. Michael Leung, Dr. Edwin Tso and Dr. Wei Wu for winning the HKIE Best Transactions Paper Prize 2021! They jointly published a paper entitled “Chillers of air-conditioning...

Mingpao JUMP
一入職場深似海,從大學畢業到進入社會,需面對很多新的人與事,適應期長短因人而異,關鍵在於充分的事前裝備。香港城市大學能源及環境學院正式推出「能源環境工程師就業培訓計劃 (Industry Ready Programme)」,透過行業合作伙伴提供課外工作培訓及暑期實習,配合大學課程所學,助本科生就業軟硬實力Level Up,有利日後求職及開展事業,在職場盡顯個人優勢! ...

TVB Innovation GPS thermochromic smart window
Dr. Edwin Tso, Assistant Professor, was interviewed by TVB (Television Broadcasts Limited) to showcase his innovation on thermochromic smart window. The interview was aired at Channel 85 TVB Finance...

Epro Advance Technology
Mr. Albert Lau shared with the SEE community one of the clean energy solutions – Hydrogen. He mentioned the Scalable Si+ Hydrogen power plant and compared it with other off grid power solutions. He...

SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Global Contest
Congratulations to the SEE PhD students and Postdoc in winning the Championship in the SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Global Contest (Hong Kong Chapter)! Winning Team: Mr. Zhu Yihao,...

Young Professionals Exhibition & Competition
The following SEE PhD students and research assistants formed into a team and won the 1st runner up in the PG session in Young Professionals Exhibition & Competition 2021 (https://booth....