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Mr. Cheung Ho Lam and Miss Lai Pui Ka recently participated as a group and obtained the second runner...

The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the Dutch Research Council (NWO) have jointly awarded a major grant to an international consortium, headed by the Erasmus University...

Dr. Lin Zhang, Assistant Professor, was invited to be a speaker for the IAEE podcast series of International Association of Energy Economics. In the podcast, he gave a talk on “COVID19 is changing...

Greenhouse gas emissions in Hong Kong have been rising since 2000, amounting to over 40 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2017....

Jin Shang* and Lin Zhang* * School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong The greenhouse gas emissions have been rising continuously in Hong Kong since 2000, amounting to over 40...

Dr. Lin Zhang presented his studies on the effects of an environmental tax reform using endogenous growth theory....

As a Co-PI, Dr. Alicia An, in collaboration with Prof. Guanghao Chen at HKUST (the PC) and other Co-PIs (HKU, PolyU, and CUHK) successfully joined the 9th round of the TRS....

Mr. Nallapaneni Manoj Kumar, PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Shauhrat S. Chopra, received the Best Poster Award from the Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment Section at the 10th...

Dr. Lin Zhang has published a translated book by Peking University Press. The title of this book is “Greening Economy, Graying Society” (中文名:綠化經濟與構建可持續社會)....

As scientists, we acknowledge the existence of climate change; as economists, we know the potential huge economic cost of catastrophic events....