Digital Summer at Lung Fu Shan Environmental Education Centre
Bik Ching CHEUNG
Bachelor of Engineering in Environmental Science and Engineering (Local Student)
Lung Fu Shan Environmental Education Centre

Last summer, I was fortunate to have the chance to work for Lung Fu Shan Environmental Education Centre. The centre is establish to promote a community inclusive of nature, as well as to encourage the public to practise a sustainable lifestyle. As an intern, I was assigned to take care of data analysis and AI development. These projects are specifically about organizing the infrared data, and analysing the behaviour of nocturnal mammal species commonly found in the surroundings of Lung Fu Shan Environmental Education Centre. These tasks are all valuable learning opportunities that allow me to equip myself in programming and excel skills with real-life applications. I have developed much interest and would like to study more on these areas in future.

Apart from acquiring technical skills, I have improved in communication and presentation through the internship. With the guidance and encouragement from colleagues and supervisors, I have become more confident and precise in presentation. I will never forget the wonderful time spent in Lung Fu Shan Environmental Education Centre!