CityU School of Law signs agreement with Renmin University of China Law School

In furtherance of mutual interest in the field of education and research and as a contribution to increased international cooperation, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong (CityU SLW) and Law School, Renmin University of China (RU Law School) has entered “The Agreement on the Cooperation over the Elite Law Programme”.   

Prof Lin Feng, Dean of CityU SLW and Prof Huang Wenyi, Dean of RU Law School signed the Agreement.  Other participants included Prof Ding Chunyan, Associate Dean of CityU SLW, Prof Zhu Hu, Associate Dean of RU Law School and Ms Li Jun of Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of RU Law School.

The establishment of the agreement is to provide opportunities for eligible Bachelor of Laws students (LLB) of RU to study at CityU, so as to cultivate elite talents with knowledge and skills of both common law and Mainland China law. Their LLB students will have the opportunity to join the exchange study and Juris Doctor (JD) programme at CityU. Their LLB students will study for the first three years at RU, the fourth year at CityU as exchange students.  Eligible RU students can continue to take the JD programme. The credits completed at the CityU exchange study can be counted into the JD programme, which allows the students to finish the JD programme in a faster way.

Through this collaboration, law students will not only have a solid foundation in law from both Mainland and Hong Kong jurisdictions, but will also possess the qualifications to practice in both jurisdictions in the future. It also serves an excellent opportunity for CityU SLW to recruit bright students from the prestigious university in Mainland China and maintain a high standard of academic excellence.

CityU SLW and Renmin U (SLW news)

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城大法律學院院長林峰教授與人大法學院院長黃文藝教授簽署了協議。 其他的參加者包括城大法律學院副院長丁春艷教授、人大法學院副院長朱虎教授和人大法學院中國人民大學法學院外事辦公室主管李鈞女士

建立是次合作協議旨在為人大符合資格的法學學士課程學生提供在城大學習的機會,以培養兼備中國大陸法與普通法知識和技能的精英人才。該合作提供了機會予人大法法學學士課程的學生,在城大修讀交換生和法律博士(Juris Doctor)課程。參與本合作課程的人大學生,第一年至第三年在人大修讀,第四年在城大作交換生。符合資格的人大學生可繼續報讀城大的法律博士課程。 學生在城大完成交換生課程的學分可計入法律博士課程,更快的完成法律博士課程。

透過此次合作,學生不僅在內地和香港司法管轄區打下堅實的法律基礎,也將具備兩地的執業律師資格。 這也為城大法律學院提供了一個絕佳的機會,從著名的內地大學招收優秀學生,並保持高水平的學術成就。

CityU SLW and Renmin U (SLW news)