Prof. Jason Lam honored with Teaching Excellence Award 2023/24

Professor Jason Chun-Ho LAM, from the School of Energy and Environment at City University of Hong Kong, was awarded the Teaching Excellence Award (TEA) in 2023/24 for his exceptional commitment to inspire students to have a passion for learning through innovative teaching methods. His approach focused on igniting curiosity through virtual reality (VR) technology, particularly in the context of climate change education.

Professor Lam utilized a student-centered interdisciplinary teaching strategy to deepen students' understanding of the complexities of climate change. He developed innovative VR experiences that allowed students to immerse themselves in the impacts of extreme weather and coral bleaching. Separately, his teaching materials incorporate youth-friendly internet popular cultural references; he enjoys creating visual materials that connected climate change with sustainable development in a fun and engaging way.

What sets Professor Lam apart is his ability to translate learning outcomes into tangible actions. His students have taken on initiatives like recycling efforts and reducing unnecessary consumption to minimize their carbon footprint. Professor Lam's dedication to inspiring lifelong learning and environmental consciousness among his students showcases his teaching excellence in bridging innovative methods with real-world impact.

For more details, please refer to CityU News:

Teaching Excellence Award

Teaching Excellence Award

Teaching Excellence Award