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More than 140 hall residents joined the City-Youth Empowerment Project to give regular voluntary services to needy groups in the community. The project kicked off on 5 October, reinforcing the caring culture and social commitment of the University.
為了延續對南亞海嘯災民的關懷,應用社會科學系近二十名師生和校友組成籌委會,籌辦「愛南亞 重建家」計劃,希望在印尼亞齊省重建兒童之家,並將於今年暑假安排師生到災區考察及參與義務工作。
Some 160 pottery figures make their way to CityU, 6 September to 17 October, 2004. They parade the entrance of the Academic Building, grace the University Circle, and “speak” with the CityU community.
The Bicultural Self Symposium, co-organized by the Department of Applied Social Studies of the City University of Hong Kong and the Department of Psychology of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaigne, took place 16-17 August, 2004.
The City University of Hong Kong Press exhibits 65 titles at the 15th annual Hong Kong Book Fair, 21-26 July 2004. Three of these were selected by book critics as among this year's "40 Good Books," and four are hot-off-the-press.
A group of 24 social work students from CityU launched a press conference on 13 June to call attention on the issue of labour rights among South Asian people in Hong Kong. Together with Dr Kam Ping Kwong, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Social Studies (SS), they formed a Working Group of the Community Concern Project on the Protection of Labour Rights among South Asian People in Hong Kong (Project L), an out-of-classroom learning experience led by Dr Kam



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