
Similar Personalities Matter in Romantic Relationship

Do you and your partner share similar personality and values? New research finds that similarities between romantic partners in certain personality traits and values can improve relationship satisfaction, especially for women.

The research team led by Professor Sam YE Shengquan, Associate Professor of CityU’s Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences, surveyed a group of Chinese couples who had been dating for an average of 1.5 years. Each person filled out questionnaires measuring their Big Five personality traits—extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness—as well as their personal values across four areas: self-transcendence, conservation, self-enhancement and openness to change. Then they rated their satisfaction with the relationship.

The results showed that couples who were more similar in certain personality traits and values reported greater satisfaction. Specifically, similarity in the conscientiousness personality trait and self-transcendence values was linked to higher relationship satisfaction, especially for women.

According to the researchers, these findings highlight the importance of “getting along” traits and values that facilitate positive social interactions. Conscientious, caring partners who prioritise others are more likely to develop reciprocal, satisfying bonds in the early stages of a romance. In contrast, similarity in extraversion, openness to experiences and self-focused values mattered less.

This research used advanced statistical techniques to provide more nuanced evidence that “birds of a feather flock together” when it comes to dating relationships. The results suggest that finding a partner with similar levels of key personality traits and social values may set the stage for a happier and longer-lasting romance. The similarity effects were especially notable for women, highlighting potential gender differences in relationship priorities.

More research is needed to determine if these patterns hold true in later relationship stages like marriage and parenthood. However, for young couples starting to date, choosing someone who matches your personality and shares your values appears to lead to greater satisfaction. So, take note of these traits and preferences as you enter a new relationship. Focusing on core similarities early on could pave the way for a smoother romantic journey ahead.

Publication and achievements

Ye, S; Ma, MZ; So, JJM; and Ng, TK (2023), The Effects of Similarity in Personality and Values on Relationship Satisfaction Among Dating Couples: A Response Surface Analysis, Personality and Individual Differences, vol 213, article 112306. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2023.112306