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Email: (Used for login)
Confirm Email:
(At least 8 characters, with at least 1 number, 1 uppercase, and 1 lowercase character)

Confirm Password:
Given Name:
Name in Chinese :
Contact Number:
By clicking "Create User", I acknowledge that I have read and understood the Personal Information Collection Statement and, where applicable, the European Union General Data Protection Regulation Privacy Notice for Job Applicants, and agree to the treatment of my personal data in accordance with the above-mentioned document(s). I understand and agree to the transfer of my personal data outside Hong Kong in accordance with the above-mentioned document(s). I acknowledge and agree that some jurisdiction(s) where my personal data may be transferred to may not have in place data protection laws which are substantially similar to, or serve the same purposes as, the applicable privacy laws of Hong Kong or European Union, if applicable. I agree that this means that my personal data may not be protected to the same or similar level as that in Hong Kong or European Union, if applicable.