Celebration Gathering with Mr Lester HUANG

Mr Lester HUANG, SBS, JP, Managing Partner and Co-Chairman of PC Woo & Co, and the Chairman of the Council of City University of Hong Kong, has recently been admitted to the Roll of Honour of the Council of The Law Society of Hong Kong in recognition of his distinguished contributions to the Society and the development of the legal profession in Hong Kong. To extend our congratulations to Mr Huang, our School organised a celebration gathering on 7 June 2021 and invited alumni to share the happiness with us.

We were happy to have the following guests to pay tribute to Mr Huang:
Ms Bonita CHAN, Partner of INCE
Mr Richard KHAW, Senior Counsel, Temple Chambers
Ms Melissa PANG, MH, JP, President of The Law Society of Hong Kong
Mr Huen WONG, BBS, JP, Principal of Huen Wong & Co. and a former President of The Law Society of Hong Kong


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