International Symposium on the National Security Law of Hong Kong: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives

The Public Law and Human Rights Forum (CPLR) and the Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law (RCCL) at the School of Law, City University of Hong Kong, together with the “One Country Two Systems” Law Institute at the Renmin University of China, has successfully convened a large scale academic conference on the theoretical and practical perspectives of the National Security Law of Hong Kong (“NSL”, or “National Security Law”) on 11 September 2020.

On Friday, 26 legal academics and industry practitioners around the world gathered on Zoom to present their findings and views on a range of topics surrounding the National Security Law in six discussion panels, which were individually moderated by lead academics in the respective field and attended by over 100 participants online. Our conference began with the discussion of the NSL’s implications on the “One Country Two Systems” policy and the politics and governance of Hong Kong, and moved into the application of National Laws and its relationship with the Basic Law in the Hong Kong Special Administration Region (“HKSAR”). In the afternoon, speakers in our third panel focused on the discussion of the NSL in the context of International Law while our fourth panel brought forth perspectives on the connections between NSL and Hong Kong’s Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law. Our fifth panel inspected views on the national security mechanisms under the implementation of the NSL, while our sixth panel examined the breadth and prevalence of human rights protection under the NSL in the HKSAR jurisdiction.

Our speakers examined the impact of the National Security Law on Hong Kong’s political and legal system and reflected upon the connection between cultural identity and acceptable legal norms behind the political clashes that surrounded the city of Hong Kong not long ago. Similarly, speakers also pointed out the issue of coordination behind the synchronization of the Basic Law, the National Laws and respective courts under the One Country Two Systems policy during the first and second panel. Other notable academic viewpoints presented at our conference include difficulties that the Hong Kong Criminal Law system faces against the accommodation of the national security law and the comparative resemblance between socialist legal elements and Hong Kong’s National Security Law, which were vibrant and thought-provoking. The possible impact on the rule of law and existing human rights protection mechanisms against the implementation and framework of the NSL was examined with much interest. Case studies, such as the case of Tong Ying Kit in the HKSAR were also pointed out as a point of inquiry. As such, major questions were raised and identified as a result of our speaker’s contributions and debates.

The conference opening speech was presented by Dean Tan Cheng Han, School of Law at City University of Hong Kong; Professor Han Dayuan, Professor at Renmin University of China Law School and Committee Member for the Basic Law of the HKSAR under the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress; and Professor Zhu Guobin, Professor and Director of the Public Law and Human Rights Forum at the School of Law, City University of Hong Kong. Lead academics who presented their views and findings on Friday in no particular order includes Professor Albert Chen Hung-yee, Committee Member for the Basic Law of the HKSAR under the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, Faculty of Law at The University of Hong Kong; Professor Fu Hualing, Dean and Professor of Human Rights and Responsibilities at Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong; Professor Sonny S.H. Lo, Deputy Director (Arts and Sciences) at the School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPACE), The University of Hong Kong; Professor Daniel Gittings, Associate Head, College of Humanities and Law at SPACE, The University of Hong Kong; Dr. Cheng Jie, Associate Professor at Peter A. Allard School of Law, University of British Columbia; Dr. Jiang Su, Associate Professor at Peking University Law School; Dr. Chen Xuan, Associate Professor at Renmin University of China Law School; Dr. Tu Kai, Associate Professor at Tsinghua University School of Law; Dr. Zuo Yilu, Assistant Professor, Peking University Law School; Professor Wang Jianxue, Professor at Tianjin University Law School; and Dr. Zhang Xiaoshan, Lecturer, School of Law at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, amongst others.

The conference was closed with gratitude and success by Dr. Huang Mingtao, Associate Professor at Wuhan University School of Law and Deputy Director at “One Country, Two Systems” Law Institute, Renmin University of China; and Professor Wang Jiangyu, Director of Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law at City University of Hong Kong.

A detailed summary of academic viewpoints presented during this conference will be available in the form of a report after the release of our story.

Photo 1: Professor Tan (Dean of School of Law) and Professor Guobin Zhu (Director of CPLR) at our Opening Speech
Photo 2: Participants and Speakers at our Conference
Photo 3: Speakers Presenting at our Conference

Chinese Title

香港城市大學法律學院公法與人權論壇與中國法與比較法研究中心及中國人民大學 “一國兩制” 法律研究所聯合舉辦 “港區國家安全法理論與實踐” 學術研討會

News Date
Chinese Body

2020年9月11日, 香港城市大學法律學院轄下的公法與人權論壇 (以下簡稱 “CPLR”) 及中國法與比較法研究中心 (以下簡稱 “RCCL”)與中國人民大學 “一國兩制” 法律研究所聯合舉行了 “港區國家安全法理論與實踐” 學術研討會。本研討會是CPLR及RCCL就極具爭議、自2020年6月30日晚上11時起在香港正式實施的《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區維護國家安全法》(以下簡稱 “《港區國安法》”) 舉行的第二場學術研討會, 同時亦是首個全程提供雙語即時翻譯的關於《港區國安法》的網上學術研討會。

超過40名來自香港、中國內地以及加拿大的法律專家學者參與了本次會議, 共同探討關於《港區國安法》在香港實施所涉及的理論和實踐問題。

本研討會首先由香港城市大學法律學院院長陳清漢教授、中國人民大學 “一國兩制” 法律研究所所長韓大元教授, 以及CPLR主任朱國斌教授向各位與會者致歡迎辭及介紹本次會議的背景和目的揭開序幕。

之後, 會議正式開始。整個會議分為以下6個環節, 26位講者輪流發言:

  1. 《港區國安法》對 “一國兩制” 政策及香港特區的政治及管治的影響;

  2. 全國性法律在香港的適用、《港區國安法》與《香港基本法》的關係;

  3. 從國際法角度探討《港區國安法》的影響;

  4. 《港區國安法》與香港刑法及刑事訴訟法的對接;

  5. 《港區國安法》之下的國安機制: 權力與問責; 及

  6. 《港區國安法》之下香港特區的人權保障。

雖然會議以網上形式進行, 但整個會議氣氛仍然非常熱烈及具啟發性。講者們的發言不但精彩, 而且亦引人深思; 至於其他與會者亦積極投入參與, 在答問環節不但就講者的發言提出批判性的意見, 同時亦向講者們提出尖銳的問題。

本次會議相信是自《港區國安法》實施以來所舉行的最大規模的網上研討會, 參加者來自香港、中國內地以及海外, 參與人數最高峰時高達72人。

為時近10小時的會議最後以中國人民大學 “一國兩制” 法律研究所副所長兼武漢大學法學院副教授黃明濤博士和RCCL主任王江雨教授致閉幕辭, 感謝各與會者的參與而結束。


本次會議圓滿成功, 取得豐富成果。講者和其他參會者亦對會議作出高度評價, 紛紛指出本次會議不但提供了一個有用的平台, 讓與會者就有關《港區國安法》的問題進行理性學術交流, 而且亦為日後更深入研究和探討相關問題鋪下了很好的基礎。
