MSE faculties listed among official authors of Top 50 Nature Communications Articles in 2020

Nature Communications published over 6,400 papers in 2020, featuring authors from around the world. The latest list of the Top 50 Most Read Nature Communications Articles in 2020 reveals that two papers are authored by five of our MSE faculty members, a great achievement with valuable contribution to the international research community. The two papers are highlighted in the Chemistry and Materials Sciences list and Physics list respectively:

Chemistry and Materials Sciences 
Highly efficient all-inorganic perovskite solar cells with suppressed non-radiative recombination by a Lewis base 
Authors: Prof. Hin-Lap Yip, Dr. Zonglong Zhu, Prof. Alex K.Y. Jen

Water-resistant perovskite nanodots enable robust two-photon lasing in aqueous environment 
Authors: Dr. Dangyuan Lei, Prof. Andrey L. Rogach, Prof. Alex K.Y. Jen

More information about the Nature Communications Top 50 Articles can be found HERE.