Department of Media and Communication Center for Communication Research


Program for Young Scholars from the Mainland

The Department of Media and Communication, in collaboration with the Center for Communication Research, initiated a Program for Young Scholars from the Mainland in 2004-05. The program aims to strengthen academic links with Chinese universities as well as to bring promising young scholars closer to the international landscape of communication research. Since its inception 233 scholars from major mainland universities have visited the Center for the duration of one month. In order to maintain the kindred spirit and intellectual influence of this invisible community, these scholars have decided to form an informal association called Duo Wen Ya Ji (多聞雅集) – a name taken from Confucius’s Analects to mean “making friends with people of wide knowledge”. Our first gathering was held in Shenzhen on August 18-21, 2006. Since then, the gathering has been held at different places during the subsequent summers. The gatherings took place in Lushan, Nanjing, Kunming, Xiamen, Hong Kong, Taipei, Dunhuang, Inner Mongolia, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Beijing, Xi’an and Chong Qing.


香港城市大學媒體與傳播系連同傳播研究中心於2004-05年成立「中國大陸新聞傳播青年學者到訪」計劃,至今已有著名院校233位學者應邀到訪,每人駐校一個月。此項目旨在促進與大陸高校新聞傳播院系學術交流,以及協助大陸新聞傳播研究與國際接軌,並已經在全國引起熱烈的反響。到訪學者在香港訪問期間與系內同事密切交流。為了長期保持友誼和發展學術活動,到訪學者發起成立「多聞雅集」,一方面取《論語》「友多聞」的精神,一方面寓《蘭亭序》中「群賢畢至」的雅意。「多聞學者」於2006年8月18日至21日期間,乘中國傳播論壇年會之便,聚首於深圳和大梅沙,召開第一次「會外會」,首屆「中華青年傳播學者論壇」不僅談學論藝,並無拘無束盡情嬉戲,喚回青春。其後,每年仲夏由各參與的院校,包括華中科技大學、武漢大學、南京大學、雲南師範大學、廈門大學、香港城市大學、台北世新大學、蘭州大學,內蒙古師範大學,四川大學,中山大學, 北京師範大學, 西北大學,和重慶大學分別舉辦論壇。