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Caring Leaders Set Out to Serve

The Caring League was launched by the Counselling Service section of the Student Development Services (SDS) this academic year. The Caring League integrates the training of student Caring Leaders with various student life events to build a caring and inclusive campus.

Currently, there are 5 main project groups running under the Caring League, namely:

- Inclusion Ambassador
- City Mover
- Positive Psychology Squad
- Mental Health Ambassador
- Peer Counsellor

“I would like to help shape a caring and supportive environment for students and staff by assuring that each of us will never walk alone and there are always companions who are willing to be with us, through good and bad times,” remarked Stephanie So Man-Ying (Psychology, Year 2), a Caring Leader who will be serving as a Mental Health Ambassador.

Jacky Ng Chun-kit (BBA, Year 2) also shared, “I am excited to be a member of City Mover, which encourages students to use a positive attitude to solve difficult issues in life. Recently, I also assisted in the ‘CityU Cares for You’ Campaign and distributed lots of squeeze bear toys on campus to promote the importance of mental wellness!”

All Caring Leaders have to go through comprehensive and professional training given by SDS Counsellors before the services start. Last year, to build up team spirit, our Caring Leaders participated in a 3-day training camp in October 2016 at Noah’s Ark in Ma Wan. Caring Leaders are always ready to devote themselves to cultivate a caring culture on campus!

Caring Leaders offers various campus-wide events to build a caring and inclusive campus.

Caring Leaders are trained before delivering services.