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Hall Alumna Feature: Claudia Chong – Behind the UA Cinemas Award-winning Film ‘About Insomnia’

It is unusual to find students staying up late at night in the Student Residence. Studying, eating, playing video games, chilling out with friends… These sleepless nights have not only nurtured each of our hall cultures, and friendships among residence, but also inspired CHONG Tsz Ying Claudia, alumna of Hall 11, to create her FYP film About Insomnia, which won her an outstanding movie award by UA Cinemas.

About Insomnia evolves around an accountant named “Ah Teen” who suffers from insomnia. In attempting to cure the illness, he finds a professional who helps him delve into his subconscious thoughts to see what is bothering him. At first, he thought it was the breakup with his girlfriend that caused him to be depressed. However, it is more than that – the disturbance is about individuality and social conformity. Since he was young, society has been suppressing his dreams, and as he grew up, he turned into a person whom he doesn’t appreciate or like at all…

“This film is actually a genuine reflection of myself”, said Chong. “There have been times when I have suffered from anxiety and insomnia due to stress from school and other surroundings; and as a youngster, I had dreams and fantasies just like every one of us. So basically, I incorporated my own experience and personal desires into the film.”

As a hall alumna of CityU Student Residence, Chong’s hall life has also contributed in part to her inspirations for the film. “The friends that I met at hall inspired me a lot,” she said. “At hall, you always come across people of different majors. Yet, some of us share the same feeling of hopelessness towards our future, society and career.

“I have a friend who is an accounting major. When we were hall-mates, I learnt that he went through tremendous stress during his internship at an accounting firm. Even though I no longer live in hall, we still remain good friends. He helped me a lot in establishing the character of the protagonist”, she added.

The friendships nurtured during Chong’s stay in hall have not only inspired her artic creations, but she also considers them one of the most precious rewards of her residence life. “The bonds that I have with my floor-mates and hall-mates are irreplaceable. We learnt to get along with each other, shared countless memories together… Whenever I meet them, it is like going back home – they are like family.”

Claudia is a Creative Media graduate of year 2016. She was a resident from Hall 11 and worked for SRO as an outstanding student videographer for several years, editing and shooting videos including the Professor Edmond Ko Cup. “I really recommend residents to apply for SRO jobs. It allows you to practice your specialty and at the same time grants you working flexibility,” she said.

When asked about her future plans and career, this is what Claudia said, “I am still open for new opportunities.”

To view the trailer of About Insomnia, please visit: https://vimeo.com/171355942.

In Claudia’s film “About Insomnia”, protagonist Ah Teen gains new insights into his inner self through fighting insomnia.

Claudia tries to encourage the audience to jump out of the box to pursue one’s dream through her movie.

Claudia misses the dear friends she made in hall.