City University of Hong Kong

+ Career Advising
Explore your career potentials and work aptitudes so that you can make a better transition from the university to the workplace or for further education pursuit.
Steering Toward Your Career Goals
Discover your career interests and values through career workshops and occupational tests.
One-on-one Career Counselling
Meet with our Career Advisors to discuss your career strategies and directions of development.  Learn how to gauge your strengths and weakness at work and seek for improvement.

Find Out about Yourself


Each of us has our own set of values. But while we tend to act in accordance with them each day of our lives, we are usually not aware of what they are. Going to university is a good opportunity for one to sit down and try to think more explicitly about your own values. Values need not be always about what is right and good. It may be about who you really are and what you really want to do. After all, an important aspect of higher education is about helping you to express your values.

Find out about your own values may not be as difficult as it sounds. There are assessment tools to guide you so that you can know more about yourself. Doing this will help you to figure out what course of study will suit you more and enable you to decide on future career paths.


A lot of us have been brought up to think that work, study, and play never mix. Work and study are hard and  boring while play is fun and interesting. There can be nothing more further from the truth. If you ask those around you with experience in work, you will not be surprised to hear how much satisfaction they can derive form their work and studies.

This may imply that as long as one’s work and studies are tailored to one interests, you will get satisfaction from them. Not only that, doing this will generate a positive feedback cycle that  will enable you to produce better work and to become more productive.


A lot of us may have experienced this already. In some exams, the results are not always proportional to the efforts we have put in them. We may have studied very hard for certain subjects but we only get a fair mark. But for some other subjects, we can do well by simply cruising along.


Whether one finds certain subjects easy or difficult is likely to be related to our abilities and skills. Finding out more about these will also help us to decide on a major and prepare for a career. It may be of interest to note that some abilities and skills of yours may be dormant or in a sleeping mode so to speak. Therefore, it is important for you to allow yourself to do some explorations.