
Work Permission During Studies

  • Full-time non-local students at Bachelor's level or above are permitted to take up part-time on-campus employment, summer term employment and Study/Curriculum-related Internships.
Part-time On-campus Employment Up to 17 hours per week throughout the year.
Summer Term Employment During the summer months (from 1 June to 31 August) without any limit in relation to work hours and location.
Study/Curriculum-related Internships Study-related internships arranged or endorsed by the University.
  • Normally, the Immigration Department will issue a "No Objection Letter" (NOL) to the student together with the student visa. Non-local students are required to copy their NOL to the employers of their part-time on-campus job.
  • This letter is applicable to the specific programme only. If a student is approved to transfer to study another programme, he/she will need to apply for issuance of a new one.
  • Assuming any other types of work such as voluntary or charity work, or appointment as Residence Tutor, must seek permission from the Immigration Department in advance.